Join Us in Japan

It is my hopes that you will begin to discover what life is like for us in Japan. Although you cannot smell, taste, touch, or hear what we do, I do hope that my words and photos give you a visual image of life here, and maybe, just maybe, intrigue you enough to visit. There is always room at Phillips B (the name of our place).

Welcome to Japan.....

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Cultural Antithesis

While visiting the Meiji Jingu shrine on the weekend, we were struck by the cultural antithesis that exists in Japan.  On one side, you will find a reserved people;  people who do not look you in the eye when talking to you; people who follow a deep religious devotion and celebrate Japanese traditions; people who embrace kimonos, geisha, origami, tea ceremonies, and traditional music.   While visiting the shrine we witnessed traditional Japanese weddings, people offering their prayers to the divine spirits, and a sense of the reserved Japanese culture where emotion should not be expressed.

As we left the shrine grounds, we were met with the other side of Japan- a country of youth trying to break Japanese stereotypes.  Leaving the temple grounds, you will find yourself in an area called Harajuku where fashion takes on a whole new meaning.  Young Japanese dress in a variety of styles that make you take a double look- outlandish hairstyles, lots of make-up, and clothes that resemble a mix of goth, punk, and Lolita (imagine landing in the game "Candy Land").  Then, a little ways down the road, you find yourself in Yoyogi park where young Japanese budding artists perform- there is irony in this comment as there was little to no talent in the performances we saw- it was more of an artistic catharsis!

1 comment:

  1. Carrie,
    I really enjoyed reading about your adventures in Japan. I'm glad to see that everyone is adjusting well.
    All the best,
