Join Us in Japan

It is my hopes that you will begin to discover what life is like for us in Japan. Although you cannot smell, taste, touch, or hear what we do, I do hope that my words and photos give you a visual image of life here, and maybe, just maybe, intrigue you enough to visit. There is always room at Phillips B (the name of our place).

Welcome to Japan.....

Japan Sights

In October we went to a festival that celebrated a God that protects shrines.  A procession came right near our house and so we joined the parade for awhile. There was a large drum that men took turns beating.  It required concentration on thier part- as you can see in the first picture.

These are painted sake cans that have been displayed as advertising art.  Each can is a different advertisement.
Here is the entrance to Meiji Temple.
A wedding at Meiji Temple.
At each temple, you will find prayers on display.  You can write your prayers on paper, as seen above, or purchase a wooden card to write on.

The picture below shows a temple that we pass on our way to school each day.